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On Tuesday, Tether USDt (USDT) underperforms the cryptocurrency market and declines by 0%

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Tether USDt (USDT) Falls 0%, Underperforms the Crypto Market Tuesday

Tether USDt (USDT) has been relatively less volatile than the crypto market according to a recent analysis of the market. So far Tuesday, the Stablecoins has dropped 0.02% to $1.

volatility - 1

InvestorsObserver is giving Tether USDt a 1 Volatility Rank. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Tether USDt!

Low Volatility

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InvestorsObserver gives Tether USDt a low volatility rank of 1, placing it in the bottom 1% of cryptos on the market.

The Volatility Gauge tracks this makes its score defined by recent trends, rather than a bad day. USDT's low volatility reading is coupled with a low reading on the Risk/Reward Gauge, meaning that the token has relatively narrow price swings and is well protected from price manipulation.

Tether USDt price is favorably positioned going forward. With support at $0.999409684648293 and resistance set at $1. This leaves Tether USDt with room to run before facing selling pressures.

What is a Token?

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Tokens are digital assets that exist on another cryptocurrency's blockchain.

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Article information

Author: Dr. Jennifer Callahan

Last Updated: 1698943682

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Name: Dr. Jennifer Callahan

Birthday: 1975-05-15

Address: 5295 Yvonne Ranch, Cameronview, NY 05664

Phone: +3559924784902266

Job: Radiologist

Hobby: Robotics, Baking, Card Collecting, Archery, Board Games, Gardening, Whiskey Distilling

Introduction: My name is Dr. Jennifer Callahan, I am a bold, risk-taking, persistent, Gifted, unwavering, unswerving, resolved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.